LifeSHIP LAUNCHTM is our signature offering at Vessel Health.
It brings together all of what we value: comprehensive cardiovascular care with an individualized, whole-health approach.

Many of us try our best to stay healthy and fit, but still have nagging questions…

  • How healthy am I really?
  • Can I overcome my family history?
  • What steps can I take now to lay the foundation for good health and vitality in the years to come?

In our LAUNCHTM program, we can help you answer those questions, and set you on a course for your own best health. The program includes:

  • A detailed review of your personal and family medical history;
  • A series of advanced lab  tests and cardiovascular tests to comprehensively assess your current cardiovascular health;
  • Personalized meetings with our medical director  and our nutrition expert to discuss your medical history, specific challenges and risks identified, and proposed solutions for each of these; and
  • An individualized plan for moving forward and addressing any concerns identified in the assessment.

Most important of all, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are addressing your concerns and taking action with our knowledgeable and caring team to guide you every step of the way.